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电话: 86-18661644013
姓名: cindy
Beijing China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Resear

  I am Business manager of Beijing China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR) Corporation BIC).The BIC is a state-owned enterprise.   We offer solutions (including seawater intake, pretreatment and post treatment), reverse osmosis system and accessories, service (parts for replacement and repairing) for seawater desalination. We have a dedicated team with experienced technical engineers of seawater reverse osmosis who could provide design support, technical expertis

主要产品/业务: seawater desalination reverse osmosis plant

Beijing China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Resear / 北京 / NO.20, West Chegongzhuang Road, P.O. Box366,Beijing, china () / 电话:86-18661644013

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